Discernment: Part 2

In the last blog I introduced discernment and how our values determine what is right for us. I had readers do a, “drop in” with themselves to say how they are discerning, physically, what is right for them as an individual in these times of COVID, vaccines, and a lot of questions surrounding our own…

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Discernment: A series

What is, “right” for you? Do you even know? Have you gotten lost along the way? Do you feel overwhelmed and it just becomes, “easier” to follow the crowd? What if you decide to do something others won’t agree with… These are just a FEW of the questions that have come up in conversation with…

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Hello world!

I am a Quantum Soul Activator and Embodiment Coach. I began my ascension journey in 2013 when I was attuned to a Reiki Master. In the first four years of Reiki I did my own self healing before I began to work on others in 2017. Between 2017 and 2020 I started doing energy healing…

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